Monday, December 04, 2017

Living in anticipation

It’s sort of like suspended animation. Every day I wait for some new development on the Trump/Mueller front. Last week I read a post that this week Mueller would rip Trump’s administration apart. So, I woke this morning with anticipation. Nothing. Except releasing Federal lands so that oil drilling, etc., can exploit them. I’ve also read that 45 does not have the authority to do that and the Navajo nation has already filed suit. But all these suits and investigations take time, and I am an impatient person.

And you can only read so much on the internet before your mind begins to go fuzzy. Trump has endorsed Moore—sad day for our nation. Another accuser has found evidence that contradicts Moore’s denial—hope for Alabama. Romney might possibly, if encouraged, oppose Orrin Hatch, who really needs opposition in Utah. King Jong Un is going to blow us all to smithereens. We have missiles that will “microwave” his systems. Who can keep up, and who knows what to believe?

Today, my anticipation and I stayed quietly and comfortably in the cottage. Highlight of the day was that the mobile groomer came for a spa day for Sophie. Sweet Soph always leaves with high joy, and I can only hope she behaves for the groomer. I warned that she was a dirty mess, and when the groomer brought her back, she said, “She really was a mess!” But tonight, her coat feels soft and clean. We’ve had some behavior problems, and I took to heart what our new minister said about not telling children they’re bad—surely it applies to dogs too. I’ve readjusted my attitude toward Sophie, showering her with love instead of stern scolding. It’s sort of working. Right now, I’m not sure where she is—it’s so warm, I have the doors wide open. But that cold front will creep up on us any minute now.

Another cooking and writing day. I made a pot of chili, and then I cooked some carrot and cauliflower I found in the vegetable bin and added them to my ongoing soup pot, along with the pinto beans that were too much for the chili My Wednesday lunch guest will get to choose between soup and chili.

And I wrote 1200 words today or thereabouts. I’m working by scene instead of word count, and it seems to be going well. I have a writer friend who likens it to seeing as far as the headlights will shine, and that’s right. I can’t see into the great darkness to the end of the novel, but I know the next few things that will happen.

Tomorrow is a busy day—lunch and dinner plans, and at least one or two scenes to write. But its more fun to be busy than not.

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